Dear Moderator

Hello and welcome to my blog, you will find that on this blog, of Hannah McGrail, there is research and planning. I hope you thoroughly enjoy yourself whilst you're reading through my work which I spent much time on creating for you.
You will find moderator, that the research and planning begins in September and my final magazine piece, is below this.
Thank you and enjoy Moderator :)

Monday 26 March 2012

Evaluation - Question 2

  • My picture on the left, imitates the one on the right due to them both being black and white, however I didn't use the background as due to my house style, it wouldn't have looked right and would have appeared to be too dark for my double page spread. The contrasting on my picture is slighter darker than that on the right, this could be due to the colour of clothing which they was wearing when the picture was taken. The contrasting of my picture matches the rest on the page, just like the picture on the right matches that of the other photos from the picture I had taken this from.
  •  The shot type for both pictures are the same, I wanted a long shot to be used so that I could use the clothing worn to convey the genre of the magazine, just like the one of the right did, from the picture I had taken this from. The angle is also the same, I chose eye level so the reader would get a full on view of the model. 
  • The expressions of both of the models are the same, they're both using the same gestures by covering their face, however not as much on the right as on the left. I didn't use a prop on my picture, as I didn't think it was necessary for my pictures, I wanted to keep it simple as there was already too much on my double page spread, the masthead and subtitle would also have been covering the props anyway. They are stood in the same position, the only exception is that my model has their legs crossed, to make the model on the left look more feminine. 
  • The costume on the pictures aren't the same, however one is male and the other is female. Therefore I thought i should present the female model to look more feminine however still maintaining the expressions of the genre. Both however are wearing pants and a top, their colours differ, however it doesn't really matter as the picture ended up being black and white anyway.

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