Dear Moderator

Hello and welcome to my blog, you will find that on this blog, of Hannah McGrail, there is research and planning. I hope you thoroughly enjoy yourself whilst you're reading through my work which I spent much time on creating for you.
You will find moderator, that the research and planning begins in September and my final magazine piece, is below this.
Thank you and enjoy Moderator :)

Thursday 29 September 2011

Research and Planning: College magazine analysis

The fonts I used on the front cover of the college magazine ranged from 20-14 and on my contents page, the font for the pages are 14, this is good as it is what is normally used. My masthead and sell-lines are the biggest. Usually in a magazine the font for the sell-lines are from 13-15 these I haven’t done, meaning I would have to change this when it comes to my music magazine. 
I used three main colours, Red, Black and white meaning that I stuck to the 3-colour rule on the front page and on the contents page. I haven’t done my sell lines to big to ruin the photo and everything is spread out well on each my front and contents page.
The contents page and front page use the same fonts and same mastheads and colours, meaning that you can easily tell they are from the same magazine as they have these things in common.
The photo graph on the front page isn't distorted but I did have to stretch it slightly so it didnt look stupid just placed anywhere in the middle of my cover. The photos on my contents page are slightly stretched which means this would be a good improvement to make when coming to my music magazine, having distorted pictures shows the reader that its a bit rushed and carelessly put together. I cropped the photos and removed any unnecessary backgrounds for example on the costa coffee sign where the background was jet black, this I removed so it didn't look stupid and take up space. 
The stories I have used on my front cover and contents page are enough and I have made sure they will take up the whole magazine without leaving any pages empty, the stories are all relevant to the college and aren't random and un-needed.


  1. I think overall your magazine is really great. I think its very suitable for a college magazine, and you have used space/colour/house style very well. I think to improve you could add another colour as well as red, such as yellow etc. But overall its great.

  2. I think you front cover is good as you have kept the colours the same and continued these into your contents page, you have kept the fonts the same for both pages and the text and pictures are clear and relate to college and the stories in your magazine.
    I think you could improve your contents page by adding a background colour or photo as it is a bit plain. The rest of it is great though.

  3. I think that you have spaced out your text really well on your front cover and I like the colours that you have used. I think to improve you could use an extra colour to grab peoples attention.

  4. I think that this college magazine is actually good. The colours/text and the images all look really good.
    The only improvement that i can think of is that you could maybe add a different colour on the background.

  5. I like the style in which you have used on your cover it is well presented and easy to read, the colour and text you have used are appropriate and stand out which is a good thing.

    The only improvement i could suggest is that you have the same style in which you have used for your masthead on the cover to the contents page.
