Dear Moderator

Hello and welcome to my blog, you will find that on this blog, of Hannah McGrail, there is research and planning. I hope you thoroughly enjoy yourself whilst you're reading through my work which I spent much time on creating for you.
You will find moderator, that the research and planning begins in September and my final magazine piece, is below this.
Thank you and enjoy Moderator :)

Friday 30 September 2011

Research and Planning: Semiotic Collage

I would use for my magazine red black and white because this is what this genre of magazine has chosen and it works well with the genre I want to do which is alternate rock.  The colors also appeal to that target audience of usually the indie type, mainly men and therefore it would be easily recognizable as to what genre it is. 
I would try to include artist or bands of about 4 people on the cover of my music magazine as it attracts attention just like the people on the front of some of the music magazines that i looked at did. 
I would use things that appeal to the target audience, like instruments and aftershave. The mastheads and sell-lines used on the magazines i looked at are all of a similar bold font which is usually quite simple but differs between the 3 color rule. I would incorporate all these in my magazine as it works so well in the magazines in my collage.

Thursday 29 September 2011

Research and Planning: College magazine analysis

The fonts I used on the front cover of the college magazine ranged from 20-14 and on my contents page, the font for the pages are 14, this is good as it is what is normally used. My masthead and sell-lines are the biggest. Usually in a magazine the font for the sell-lines are from 13-15 these I haven’t done, meaning I would have to change this when it comes to my music magazine. 
I used three main colours, Red, Black and white meaning that I stuck to the 3-colour rule on the front page and on the contents page. I haven’t done my sell lines to big to ruin the photo and everything is spread out well on each my front and contents page.
The contents page and front page use the same fonts and same mastheads and colours, meaning that you can easily tell they are from the same magazine as they have these things in common.
The photo graph on the front page isn't distorted but I did have to stretch it slightly so it didnt look stupid just placed anywhere in the middle of my cover. The photos on my contents page are slightly stretched which means this would be a good improvement to make when coming to my music magazine, having distorted pictures shows the reader that its a bit rushed and carelessly put together. I cropped the photos and removed any unnecessary backgrounds for example on the costa coffee sign where the background was jet black, this I removed so it didn't look stupid and take up space. 
The stories I have used on my front cover and contents page are enough and I have made sure they will take up the whole magazine without leaving any pages empty, the stories are all relevant to the college and aren't random and un-needed.

Research and Planning: College magazine photos

Monday 19 September 2011

Research and Planning: My College Magazine to Date

This is the progress I have made today.

Research and Planning: Font Tutorial

Research and Planning: College Magazine Draft

This is my draft for my college magazine, i hope to have my magazine similar to this arrangement that i have drafted out. I hope to have my model in a medium shot like i have drew the model in this picture. On the contents page i hope to stick to the layout and get appropriate pictures for the places named by 'pic' or 'picture'. I haven't included any color on my drafts due to it being just a rough sketch of what i aim my magazine to be like.

Friday 16 September 2011

Research and Planning: Audience Research

1) What are you willing to pay for a college magazine?    £1

2) What colors would attract you to the magazine?     Purple

3) What articles would interest you to the magazine?    Sport, hair & beauty
4)What parts of college life do you enjoy the most, including social life and study life? Social life
5) Would you appreciate competitions within the magazine that may have prizes?         Yes
6) What kind of characters would you like on the front of the magazine including students, teachers or celebrities?       students.

) What are you willing to pay for a college magazine?    £1

2) What colors would attract you to the magazine?     red & black

3) What articles would interest you to the magazine?    Sport, health & fitness

4)What parts of college life do you enjoy the most, including social life and study life? Social life
5) Would you appreciate competitions within the magazine that may have prizes?         Yes
6) What kind of characters would you like on the front of the magazine including students, teachers or celebrities?       students.

) What are you willing to pay for a college magazine?    £1-£5

2) What colors would attract you to the magazine?     pink black orange

3) What articles would interest you to the magazine?    sport performing arts

4)What parts of college life do you enjoy the most, including social life and study life? both

5) Would you appreciate competitions within the magazine that may have prizes?         Yes

6) What kind of characters would you like on the front of the magazine including students, teachers or celebrities?       students.

Thursday 15 September 2011

Medium Close up examples.

Research an Planning: College Magazine Analysis.

You can tell this magazine is for a college because not only does the title give it away of 'COLLEGE' but as does the man who is holding his study books in the picture. You can see it says Law and Business which are academic subjects that are usually studied in college. The colors in this magazine are all different yet all work together as a contrast. The green color of which the masthead and sell lines have are bright and attract the reader to see what stories the magazine contains and how they will help for example 'make money on campus'. Other colors include the pink which stands out on the black background to attract attention, also the word splat which is quite informal and almost slang tells you that the magazine is aimed at college students. The medium close up shot shows he is wearing quite formal clothing for a college student, which may show he is a respectable academic student. The color of the background also helps the bar code to stand out, magazines usually have the bar code on the front with the price underneath this shows me that it is a magazine.  The masthead of the 'COLLEGE' magazine is bold with bright colouring to attract attention but still not taking the attention of the medium close up of the student, as the student covers up part of the masthead making him the main subject of this front cover. Also the fact that the male student in this picture is attractive would attract the female student attention.

Introduction to In Design.

This is my first taster of the In Design Program. I have learnt how to do the basics including a background, placing pictures and text and finally different fonts and different colors to create this page.

Monday 12 September 2011

AS Media Studies Will From Inbetweeners

with this i opened an A4 document then wrote AS media Studies and centered that text in the middle of the page after i changed the colour. I then coloured the background blue and give the text a drop shadow, the picture of Will i put under the text, changed his hair colour and drew a bored around the picture.

Friday 9 September 2011

Face Photoshop

I attempted to photoshopped my face into Jessy's from Toy Story, i tried to make myself look more like a cartoon by giving myself rosy cheeks and ginger hair,  I used the rubber tool and marquee tool to make my face fit into the correct shape.  

Research and Planning: Introduction To Photoshop

Research And Planning: Skin Tutorial

On this picture I have used the spot healing brush tool, i had to alter the size of the brush to get it to the right size, this then got rid of her blemishes. I used the smart blur on another layer because this made her skin look clearer and more smooth.  i used the brush tools to add blusher, lipstick, eye colour, eye lashes and alter her hair colour.

Thursday 8 September 2011

Research and Planning: Introduction To Photoshop

This is my attempt at photoshop, on this i have learned how to:
Cut out an image
Use the magic wand
Differ the background of the notes
Adjust the colors
Add text
Rotate & re-size an image.