Dear Moderator

Hello and welcome to my blog, you will find that on this blog, of Hannah McGrail, there is research and planning. I hope you thoroughly enjoy yourself whilst you're reading through my work which I spent much time on creating for you.
You will find moderator, that the research and planning begins in September and my final magazine piece, is below this.
Thank you and enjoy Moderator :)

Friday 21 October 2011

Research And planning: Double page spread anaylsis.

This double page spread is from Q magazine. It features Lady GaGa in dark and negative colours, with a giant L on the opposite page in bright red, this draws the eyes to the page due to the 3 colour rule which it sticks to here. The page also draws attention due to the medium close up of the artist and the facial expression which the artist is performing. The facial expression is appropriate to the magazine as it is typical of the artist to have an expression of moodiness and to convey the impression of the bad guy/girl image, this is done here by the use of the make up, the jewellery and the effective colour use. This together compliments the genre of the magazine and sticks to the overall house style.

The text on this double page spread seems very small and quite packed. In my magazine I would make my text slightly larger or maybe make the picture smaller so some of the text could spread across the two pages. This is so it wouldn't appear as a struggle to read as this double page spread does to me.

The page features a sub heading of 'lady GAGA' this is so the reader knows what this double page spread is regarding if they didn't recognize the artist first time from the picture. This page overall seems very organize and isn't all jumbled up or thrown onto the paper. I will consider the style of this page when I come to make my double page spread as I think this one works really well in this magazine.

Research and Planning: Costume & Props list.

The people pictured on my magazine will have to be wearing casual clothing, yet make it look like they don't care to much about their appearance to represent the image I want them to convey, an image which will compliment the genre of my magazine, which is indie rock.

I plan for the person on the front of my magazine to be a girl. I want them be wearing:
Doc Martens (Purple or white) - Two of my friends own these, they'll lend them me for photos.
Leather Jacket - My friend who is volunteering for me, owns this.
A baggy white vest or t-shirt with black graphic design - I own some of these
Either stripy jeans or black leggings - Volunteer owns this.

I would like my model to be wearing these clothes as i think that it is appropriate and ideal for my magazine. If the model was in a pink dress then i wouldn't imagine this being suiting to the overall image and house style which i want for my magazine. I also want my model to have quite dark make up, for example dark eye liner and quite blackish eyes, the face make up needs to be not over done and just look quite casual, i don't think an orange model would be suiting, and i would like my model to have red lipstick, yet not to red. The model would have hair which looks like it hasn't had much work done to it. If the hair is died i would like it to be an appropriate color and not one which would be outstanding to the color rule of my magazine, although i think quite extravagant colors for example dip dyed hair would compliment the genre as it is what is normally seen and expected within this genre.

I would appreciate my volunteer to have an instrument, due to my magazine genre it would be best if it was a guitar, as this is the most commonly used. I could either get this from college, or my brother as he owns a guitar. The model which i will be taking the picture of owns a guitar and i will try and interpret this into the picture without it looking silly and out of place.